Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fab Forties

New model (American Girl Truly Me #55) Ellie in a purple dress from the Crabapples pattern Fab Forties.

Want more details?  Check out

Want to see more pictures of Ellie and the look?  Check out Flickr.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Good Vibrations

Anna in a look from the pattern Good Vibrations by Forever 18 Inches on Pixie Faire.

For more details about this look, check out

For more pictures of this look, check out Flickr.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Pink Party Dress

#Hearts4HeartsGirls Shola in a pink sparkly dress with a sheer yoke.

For more pictures of this look, check out Flickr.

Interested in how it was made? Check out

Sleeveless Good Vibrations

Alicia (#JourneyGirls Kayla) in a groovy pink flowered dress from the pattern Good Vibrations by Forever 18 Inches on Pixie Faire.

For more pictures of this look, check out Flickr.

For more details about this look, check out

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Classic in Polka Dot

Alicia (Journey Girl Kayla) in a red polka dot sheath dress with a red jacket.

For more details about this look or where to find the patterns, check out

For more pictures of this look, check out Flickr.